Friday, August 26, 2011

How is it to live in Oklahoma City?

How is it to live in Oklahoma City?
Me and my husband are thinking of moving to Oklahoma City. Right now we live in Wisconsin. We have 3 children and are unsure if we will really like it. We were there for 2 weeks before, and we liked it, but my daughter will be starting school soon, and I want to be sure that it is a good place to raise kids. I live in a small town, so living in a city may be kinda difficult right away. Can someone please tell me how it is to live and how safe it is for my children. Also, what can I get paid for being a CNA there? Thanks a lot!!
Other - United States - 1 Answers
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1 :
I have never been there before...but I have a friend who is from there and talks about it ALL the time because she is from there! she even tried to convince me to move back with her and I was like umm...NO! but thats my opinion anyways...I am from a small town too and no way could I ever leave thi place unless I go for a vacation lol!